Hi Lynne:

Good suggestion, but with the number of markers with long entries, having
them do find/replaces each time they regenerate would be a pain.  They are
using XML and Structured Frame to automate processes, and having this
process break down is a serious glitch to them.  

With FrameMaker's UI limiting how the text is handled, even when it is
entered in the MIF, I don't think what FrameMaker offers is going to work.
I've put the client in touch with Scott Prentice and hopefully they will
connect and get a plug-in built that will overcome this limitation.

Thank you for the help!  See you in a few weeks at the conference.

Take care,



-----Original Message-----
From: Lynne A. Price

Frank, Scott,
   Very interesting. I created a MIF file in which I inserted an Index
marker containing 900 characters and also a variable whose definition had
900 characters. I opened the MIF file and saved the result back to MIF. 
Both 900-character strings were still there, so the entire length indeed is
stored in the document.
   When I inserted the variable in the text, all 900 characters appear. 
However, when I created an index, only the first 255 characters from the
marker text appear in the index entry. Thus, getting all the text into the
marker isn't sufficient to create the desired index.

   Do any of the very long index entries differ after the 255th character? 
If not, you might want to use an abbreviation of the full text in the 
markers, generate the index, and then do a global replace of the short 
names with their longer equivalents.

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