At 09:35 -0400 13/7/06, Jon Harvey wrote:

>I'm stumped trying to figure out how to import/copy images into FM 7.2
>(Windows) so that the come out right. The images I'm using are very
>simple b/w but have thin vert/hor/diag lines that come out jagged when
>imported into FM and/or sent to pdf. I've tried tif, eps, and various
>dpi settings. Nothing seems to work right.

John: if you are seeing 'jaggies' for an EPS import, bear in mind that 
FrameMaker only uses the preview for the screen view ('cos it cannot render 
PostScript to screen, sadly). Try importing an EPS image and printing it, and 
see if you get the results you expect.

Also, are the originals vector or bitmap? If the latter, you'll always get 
jaggies to some degree.

>Another problem I have is that, when importing, FM gives me a gray box or a 
>box that has the file name inside it (!). Any recommendations? Again, these 
>are just simple line drawings.

This sounds like an EPS import where the original EPS file has no preview. Try 
adding a preview and also try printing, as above.

Usually under these circumstances, the first time FrameMaker displays the page 
in question, it gives you a warning along the lines of 'Some images cannot be 
displayed but should print correctly', or something like that. Or it does in 
the Mac versions, anyway.


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