Answers inline.

On 6/2/06, Mairi McKissock <mairi.mckissock at> wrote:
> -Are there any issues or known problems with the workgroup management
> functions?

YES!  Most importantly, XML does NOT work at all.  There is a bug somewhere
in the XML api clients that makes it absolutely impossible to open XML
documents through webdav.   It's just not happening until Adobe fixes it or
somebody comes out with a replacement plugin.

-Does it support any kind of version control, or is it purely access
> control?

This depends on your backend.  For example, if you use IIS's WebDAV
functionality, you only have access control.  If you use Apache+SVN+mod_dav,
you get access control and versioning.

> -If you've used it, do you like it? Why or why not?

Used it.  Hated it.  Better tools exist.  Personal recommendation is SVN,
and TortoiseSVN for the windows users.

-Is there any intrinsic reason that this has to be on a different server
> from other data servers (I'm assuming the requirement for a new server is an
> internal IT-management issue, rather than anything technical)?  What are the
> minimum hardware/software requirements to support this?

It depends on your chosen WebDAV server.  If you go with an
Apache/SVN/mod_dav solution, you could run it off a 500MHz celeron in a
closet (depending on load), and if you go with IIS6, you'll need something
with more umph.

Thanks for any feedback you can provide!

There are replacements in the works, but there's no definite release
schedule that I'm aware of.

Hope this helps a bit....

Christopher Jastram

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