Thanks Richard- I see that I overlooked this one line about the Adobe
Document Server. I find it amazing that everyone else skated over this
fact- is it really that common to have this product installed? I'd never
heard of it until today. A co-worker here told me that the Lifecycle
Server product is a piece of junk, and requires its own dedicated
machine to boot. Can anyone dispute this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:55 AM
To: Neil Tubb; framers at
Subject: RE: Using Acrobat's Online Review Feature

Neil Tubb wrote: 

> Quick question- does anyone out there know if Acrobat's 
> online reviewing feature actually works with Reader (not the 
> full Acrobat version)? We're trying to get it work here, and 
> even though Adobe's documentation claims it should work with 
> Reader, it only works for those who have the full version. 
> Since our company won't spring for everyone in development to 
> get the full version, this will kill the idea. Please let me 
> know if you have any experience with this.

As others have noted, Reader 7 users can comment/review if you enable it
in Acro 7 Pro first. But, that's not the whole story. If you want to
host the doc on a server and enable browser-based review using Reader 7,
be prepared to send Adobe a bunch more money. 

I'd quote from the Acro 7 Pro Help, but you can't select text in that
file! (How annoying is that?) Look up the topic "Setting up a
browser-based review," and you'll see a note saying that Adobe Document
Server or Reader Extensions Server is required to enable Reader 7 users
to participate. 

Without the Adobe server software, you'll have to email the doc to
Reader 7 users. See the topic "Setting up an email-based review." 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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