Hi Angela,

I get a separate pdf from our Marketing dep. containing the front page for my 
Here is how I do it:
1. Put an empty page in my FM file where the front page should be.
2. Create the pdf.
3. Open the manual pdf in Acrobat (Standard).
4. Put the cursor in the first page.
5. Select Document > Pages > Replace.
6. Browse to my front page pdf and insert it.

This way I keep the numbering of pages correct. You should be able to do the 
same with your back cover.

If you need to have a completely blank page, you could place a dedicated 
paragraph format on the page. Then in your reference page, assign your blank 
master page to this paragraph format. This way the blank master page will not 
be overwritten by the default Left/Right master pages, but will stay there 
through all your updates.

Hope this helps!


Christiane Crety
Technical Writer

T + 45?39?55?86?82
E cc at thrane.com

Thrane & Thrane A/S - Lundtoftegaardsvej 93D
DK-2800  Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark - www.thrane.com
T +45 39 55 88 00 - F + 45 39 55 88 88

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