Hi Tammy

Possible solution: Try the simple trick of just shutting down Frame
and Acrobat and Distiller, and then start over.

This happened to me about 1 year ago, but I could not find my internal
correspondance with colleagues about it. Freakily enough, the same
thing happened to me just yesterday. Exact same environment as yours.
(Previous disaster was with FM 6.0, Acrobat 5.0.5, and Win2K.)

My PDF was set to 1496%!!!

I duplicated the problem 4 times. 2 days previous, my PDF was fine.
Only difference was producing a PDF from a Word file earlier that day.
Couldn't understand how that affected it. Went home in disgust. Shut
down apps but did not shut down machine. Came in today, looked in vain
for possible solution in PDF Hacks. Tried once more - and it was
perfect! "Normal" size.

Conclusion: This is why I say just shut down all apps, take a deep
breath, and start over. WHY this happened, I don't know. Unless
somehow, while on the Print dialog in Frame, focus went to the
percentage field and I hit a few keys without noticing before I hit
Print??? Don't think so..

Hope this helps.

regards, Karen Mardahl

On 3/21/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com <Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com> 
> Framemaker 7.1p116, Windows XP (with all patches), Adobe distiller 7.0.7,
> Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0.7
> I have been using this setup to successfully create post-script files from
> Framemaker source files and then distilling the postscript files into pdfs
> for quite a while now. When I create postscript files, I use watched
> folders, the Adobe PDF printer, and my job options are standard with the
> first page to open at the Default Zoom level, page size 8.5 x 11. All of a
> sudden, any and every PDF I create this way is beyond hosed.  Each PDF
> opens at some gi-normous magnification (like 2000%) and the graphics are
> completely non-readable. If I set the magnification in Adobe Acrobat to
> 125%, then I get a string of really tiny pages.  So . . .. I had two
> colleagues take the same source files and create a PS file and then
> distill it into a PDF using Acrobat distiller/Acrobat Professional 6.0 and
> their PDFs are fine -
> and if I use their postscript files on my system, I have no problems
> creating a PDF - so obviously something has gone violently and suddenly
> wrong with my Framemaker installation/Adobe PDF printer, right but what,
> and how?
> I am stumped.
> Thanks,
> Tammy Van Boening
> Senior Technical Writer
> Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
> 303-328-4420
> tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

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