I am considering moving to Structured FrameMaker, using DocFrame from 
One of my goals is to permit my SMEs (mostly software developers and QA people) 
to add comments to XML files during the period before feature freeze when they 
are actively developing and I am not yet writing. My idea is that they can 
comment while things are fresh in their minds, and then when I come around 
interviewing them later in the cycle it will be easier for all involved to be 
sure we miss nothing.
The developers are very interested in this, but they do tend to embrace free 
new software solutions.
One drawback to this plan is the difficulty of finding what they need. I am a 
lone writer for a small company. We cannot afford an expensive CMS. But if the 
XML elements are stored in Chapter7.XML, then most developers won't know how to 
find the element they would comment on, and the system won't be used. I would 
like to be able to save elements like procedureDatabaseBackup.xml, 
overviewFingerBiometrics, and procedureInstalKerberos.xml, if I can. This would 
make it easier to use a relatively simple taxonomy to identify the elements and 
encourage use of the system.
Does anyone have experience with this? 

John Sgammato
Principal Technical Writer
Imprivata, Inc.
Lexington, MA
(781) 674-2441

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