> -----Original Message-----
> From: frameusers.com 
>  On Behalf Of Harro de Jong
> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 3:16 AM
> To: Mary Haas; framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: RE: Need Help Mac to PC
> Mary Haas wrote :
> ...
> > 
> > Fonts: On the Mac I use only Adobe Postscript fonts (most often
> > Helvetica family) and have never had any problems.  What kind of
> > fonts should I buy for the PC that will always be reliable and
> > problem-free for printing and web? Font technology has changed since
> > my Mac fonts were purchased and my knowledge is not up-to-date.
> Your best bet is to find Windows versions of the same fonts, or to
> create those yourself using a font creation program like 
> Fontographer. 
> > 
> > Acrobat issues:  I currently use Acrobat 5 on the Mac. Are there
> > issues with newer Acrobat versions, and which version will work with
> > Frame 7.0 on PC? 
> Acrobat 7 works well with Frame 7, I'm not sure Acrobat 5 supports all
> the features (mainly the File->Save as PDF command in FM). 

I would most STRONGLY urge you not to even consider use
of programs such as Fontographer to "convert" fonts from
Macintosh to Windows. First issue is license. Many end user
license agreements actually prohibit you from performing
that type of conversion (Adobe's font licenses do not have
such a prohibition). But more importantly, even if you do 
know how to use a program such as Fontographer or Fontlab 
(and the learning curve is exceptionally steep on these),
these programs when used as "converters" are lossy, meaning
that the resultant "converted" fonts will be slightly 
different in both design and metrics. Bottom line is that
if exactly matching the fonts is important to you AND
your time is worth something, go out and license the
Windows versions of those fonts. By the way, you should
also consider OpenType fonts if you are changing fonts

The connection between the latest Windows version of
FrameMaker and Acrobat is with Acrobat 6 and 7. If you
are making the investment in moving platforms, start
off without a hand tied behind your back using old
software versions.

        - Dov

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