
I discovered a problem in my index. Entries such as "semantic errors" and 
"search windows" were sorted _after_ Z. Naturally, I inspected the sort order 
on the reference page in the index file and found that the last entry in the 
sort order was "<see also>". If I removed that from the sort order, the above 
terms sorted correctly.

Now, the manual states,
"To indicate that a letter pair should be sorted as a single character, specify 
the letter pair between angle brackets (< >)--for example, C ? c ?<CH><Ch><ch>."

Why, then, does "<see also>" (and "<see>" too, btw) not obey that rule? Does it 
really only apply to PAIRS?

(I know that you can specify a custom sort order in the index marker, so you 
needn't tell me that.)

Here's the whole sort order if you want to see that:
<$symbols><$numerics>A????a???? Bb C?c? Dd E????e???? Ff?  Gg Hh I????i????? Jj 
Kk Ll Mm N?n? O?????o??????? Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt U????u???? Vv Ww Xx Y?y?? Zz ?? ?? 
?? <see also>

Frame 7.1 p116 on Win2K.

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Niels Fan?e
Documentation Specialist

Maconomy A/S
Vordingborggade 18-22
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Phone +45 35 27 24 07

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