I know you answered this already, and others have offered advice on handling
this, but I think it reasonable to set a limit to the length of headings.
Long headings lose readability, anyway, so suggesting a rule that improves
readability and accommodates the TOC seems fair. After all, you don't want a
paragraph for a heading <grin>.

On 9/11/06, Linda G. Gallagher <lindag at techcomplus.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> I have a TOC for a 6 x 9 book with some very long chapter titles. I'm not
> the author, so I can't just shorten the titles. I've already made the font
> a
> little smaller, but the really long titles just won't fit on one line.
> <snip>


STC-Connecticut Chapter Fall Kickoff "Elis on Whitney," Hamden CT, September
30 6pm

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