Jon Harvey wrote: 

> I'm stumped over a simple problem: My book includes 12 
> chapters and several appendices. Throughout the book, I am 
> using the variable "<$chapnum>" to display the numbering of 
> chapters and appendices. In the book file, I am resetting the 
> numbering to "1" and "Alphabetic" for the first 
> appendix.Therefore, as I page through the document, I see 
> that FrameMaker correctly numbers the chapter and appendix 
> headings. In other words, the last chapter is Chapter 12 and 
> the first appendix is Appendix A.
> However, when I generate the TOC, the TOC displays "Appendix 
> M" (not A) after "Chapter 12". I took over this doc project 
> from another writer, so I'm not sure how the numbering is 
> supposed to work. Any thoughts on the RIGHT way to do this?

Go to the TOC spec in the reference pages. I suspect the spec for the
chapter/appendix entries is using <$paranum> instead of <$chapnum>
(especially if the TOC's based on an older template; pre-v.6, there was
no <$chapnum> variable). 

Change <$paranum> to <$chapnum>, save, update the book, and you should
be good. Might want to root out the vestiges of the older numbering
wherever they exist.  


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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