Thanks to Rebecca and Art for offering clues. Rebecca, you came close by
drawing my attention to what is meaningful on Windows. I had created a
folder with a name that was not at all meaningful to Frame on Win, but
acceptable to Frame on Mac. The folder name reflected the page size of the
books in it (7 x 8,5) and contained a comma (I seem to have forgot the
basics on naming cross-platform folders)! Once I replaced it by an
underscore, Frame on Win accepted to print to file (it would print paper
copies on our HP printer all the time, though).

2006/8/30, Nanna P. Vig <nannavig at>:
>  My otherwise stable FrameMaker 7.0p578 on Win XP SP2 all of a sudden
> displays a print error, when I try to print a book to a PS file using Adobe
> Distiller.
> It says: "Cannot print some imported images. Click OK to continue"
> followed by an error dialog: "An error occurred while printing" and then the
> printing stops. The same book will, however, print on the Mac (FM 7.0 on
> 0S 10.3) with no errors. And the images have not changed and used to print
> fine on the PC.
> The error occurs when I work on our server and when I work locally on the
> PC. On the PC I also use WWPublisher ePro 9.2.1 and Acrobat 5.05 plus
> Reader 7.0.
> Since we recently changed workgroup in our department and I changed user
> on my PC I thought that this could be the cause of the problem, and I
> decided to remove and reinstall Frame and its patches, but to no avail. What
> am I missing in solving this problem?
> Thanks anyone for any clues.
>  Nanna

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