I've started to use conditional text for different drafts. Each draft is 
a different color, all are underlined. I have a separate template which 
only has those conditional text defined, so I can apply that template 
without interfering with other conditional text. The PDF will the colors 
(or if you have a color printer). All of them can be spotted on a black 
and white printers by the underline.

Shmuel Wolfson

Fred Wersan wrote:
> I've been thinking about using Framescript to do something to all 
> edited text to make it stand out, for example, underline it or apply a 
> condition. That would separate out the real changes from the other 
> things that change bars pick up, but which don't really matter for 
> reviewing updated doc.
> After the review cycle is over, I would get rid of the underlines or 
> whatever.
> Haven't done it yet, though, so I can't say how well it would work. 
> I'm not sure what I would do about deletions.
> An alternative which might work for your engineers would be to save 
> the files as text (or export to HTML or XML) before and after and let 
> them use the diff tools they are comfortable with. Formatting probably 
> wouldn't matter much, you'd just care about what was changed. Ugly, 
> but maybe doable.
> Fred

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