Sorry. I'm using 7.1. I looked at the bugs list and found it there. It offers 
an update patch for 7.2 but this would not fit with my 7.1. I can't switch over 
to 7.2 easily either - I'm having a whole production line set up around it. Do 
you know which file controls this thing or what I could do.Michael> Date: Mon, 
13 Aug 2007 11:53:08 -0400> From: srogers at> To: 
biozaichenko at; framers at> Subject: Re: 
Advanced Customizing ToolBar in FM> > Michael Zaichenko wrote:> > Hello 
Framers,I'm customizing my toolbar in FM and there is one thing I can't get to 
work.> > I added:> > 3=COMBOBOX, SizeMenu, 50> > to my FMToolBar.ini file. It 
does display the catalog of sizes however it> > doesn't display the current 
size of the font. It displays the first available> > size which is 7 pt. And no 
matter the change in teh actual text, it still> > displays 7. The rest of the 
menus I added, respond correctly. In FM 8 the same> > command does the job 
fine.> > You don't tell us which version you're using in which the command > 
*doesn't" do the job fine; but there was a known bug in the 6.x and 7.x > 
versions that prevented FM's own toolbar Pgf Format Name list from > correctly 
displaying the properties of selected text.  I suspect your > problem is 
related to that bug.> >> > > -- > Stuart 
Rogers> Technical Communicator> Phoenix Geophysics Limited> Toronto, ON, 
Canada> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325> > srogers phoenix-geophysics com> > "For every 
complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, > and wrong."> > ? 
HL Mencken
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