I am working on a book in which some letter pairs are underlined when 'view 
symbols' is enabled. I don't recall having noticed this symbol before, so I 
looked it up, and the user guide suggests that it indicates hyphenation 
suppression [presumably manually applied?]

What strikes me as odd is that the underline symbol is removed neither by 
retyping the characters nor by applying 'default para font' to the word in 
question. If I copy/paste a word in which this underline symbol occurs into, 
say, the 'correction' box of the spell checker, it appears prefixed by a 
backslash underscore pair. Clicking 'show hyphenation' shows that the word in 
question appears to be set up to hyphenate as would be expected.

Can anyone tell me what is going on here, and whether these underlined letter 
pairs are really anything to do with hyphenation, and if not, what?


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