I think the way I'd handle it is to follow the advice that others have
posted, to keep dedicated book graphics in a /Graphics subdirectory in
each book's home directory, and probably to keep all generic graphics
in a central directory.

The point I'd differ from the generic advice would be in two areas:

First, I'd use an image database program, or write a custom app in a
database to record and track all images in all the book directories. I
use IMatch (photools.com) for image management and like it, but there
are a number of image database products on the market.

Second, depending on your network environment, I would consider
setting up a central image library that was automatically generated by
copying (backing up) each book's image directory to another location.

Assuming you do use an image database and ID the screen snaps you
mention using a software package name, rev, and so on so that they're
uniquely identified, other users should be able to find and reference
them. Just in passing, you probably should also spend some time
figuring out a file naming scheme that everyone can make sense of and


On 1/11/07, Elks, Loren <lelks at exstream.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> At my previous employment, I always referenced the images in my FM docs.  
> However, my current department embeds them.
> Now, they want to start referencing the images.  So, that's cool.  I was the 
> only person using FM at my previous employer and I never gave much thought to 
> the storage and re-use of the images for other docs.  I just knew where they 
> were located, so finding them was no big deal.  Also, I only managed about 15 
> books.
> Now, I'm in a department of 15 people.  We currently maintain about 160 books 
> in a Windows environment.
> If we start referencing the images:
> - What is the best way to manage them (outside of FM)?
> - If I take some screenshots, how/where do I store them so they are easily 
> accessible (and easy to find) when other users want to reference the same 
> images in their books?
> - Is there some kind of DB or other system that would help?
> Thank you for any help.  Please post to the forum and email me directly.
> Loren Elks
> Information Developer

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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