Dear Framies:
Why I need to export via WordPerfect is that WordPerfect allows for a
concordance file for indexing. Thus one can use a huge concordance (no word
limit) carefully created per subject. This is a huge saving of time
especially for long documents and manuals. I call it machine indexing as the
input in time is zero.

WordPerfect then goes through the document and indexes the whole document
according to the concordance, in addition to the "hard" index marks one
might have made. The generated combination index is flawless and

RTF does not respect these "soft" concordances index marks so I am cutting
WP and pasting into FM until someone tells me the Framemaker filters are
working as advertised.
Working around
Newbie Shell

Robert C.-H. Shell
Extraordinary Professor of Historical Demography
Courier address:
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
University of Western Cape
Modderdam Road
Western Cape
Republic of South Africa

Airmail address:
Prof. Robert C.-H. Shell
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
Private Bag X17
Western Cape 7535
Republic of South Africa
E-mail addresses:
rshell at
rshell at
Fax: 950-2909

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