
I am facing a new error in FM 7.2 when I save few FM files. The error
message is:
An internal error occurred while writing imported graphics in this document.
The file has been saved, but has lost some image data. Please report this
error to Adobe Technical Support.

There are no graphics or OLE objects in the files and were working fine in
FM 7.1. After I click OK in the error message window, the file is not saved
and a new file with a funny extension is found in the folder. The extension
is something like I7E, B3F, etc.

I've tried saving the file as MIF, but it still gives the error message and
the file is not saved. I've tried re-installing FM7.2, but of no hope. The
files were created in a old version of FM, probably FM 6. Some of these
files were working fine yesterday but started giving error today.

Need a solution to fix this problem.


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