If it can be done, the folks at the Yahoo group for WebWorks would have the 
expertise to tell you how. See http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wwp-users/.

  Rene Stephenson

"Combs, Richard" <richard.combs at Polycom.com> wrote:
  Garnier Garnier wrote:

> I could right align the numbered list in FM and they seem 
> perfect in the PDFs.
> The problem is that the generated html output does not give 
> the required result. The single digit in the WebWorks output 
> still appears to be left aligned due to which the body text 
> following the single and double-digit numbers have moved 
> towards the right. I tried fixing this in the Basic 
> Paragraph option in the Style Designer, but in vain. Am not 
> familiar with the macros so do not know whether that needs to 
> be modified. 

Ah, HTML! You can't align things with tabs in FM and have it translate
to HTML -- HTML doesn't respect white space (which includes tabs),
collapsing it all down to a single space. 

I'm no HTML guru, but I don't think there's any way to right-align the
numbers in an HTML ordered list (  
items in an   ). I think you'd
have to convert from an ordered list to a table, or maybe do the numbers
and following text as separate   tags with CSS positioning. 

Way too complex for such a trivial matter, if you ask me. We've all
lived with left-aligned numbered lists in Web pages for a long time now.
Your readers can live with it a bit longer. :-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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      Rene L. Stephenson
  Mother of 3, Wife, and Entreprenuer 
  (see the SuperWoman cape flapping in the breeze?!)
  Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com

  Think of life like driving your car: the rear view mirror is very small 
compared to the side windows and to the front windshield where it's placed for 
convenience. If you spend your time watching the rear view mirror or looking 
over your shoulder, you'll surely wreck, because that's only helpful for going 
BACKWARDS, not moving forward! - Rene Stephenson

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