We still include the Index of References before using the archive plugin, so 
that you can tell at a glance if the graphic was originally a shared graphic 
with some other project... due to the way we've named our shared folders. We 
don't keep the IOR in the book file, but we do keep it in the project folder 
and include it with the archive.

Rene Stephenson

Yves Barbion <yves.barbion at gmail.com> wrote: I use Bruce Foster's Archive 
plug-in for this purpose 

   1. Archive my Frame book to a different (target) folder.
   2. Delete all the graphics in the source folder.
   3. Move the target folder back to the source.

Works great, but you need to be careful when you have several books in 
several folders which use "common" graphics.

Yves Barbion 
Documentation Architect
Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor

Scripto bvba
Asselsstraat 65
9031 Gent
T: +32 494 12 01 89
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BTW (VAT) BE 0886.192.394
skype: yves.barbion

Van Boening, Tammy wrote:
> My apologies in advance - I know that this has been discussed before on
> the list, but I can't find it in the archives. I have a graphics folder
> for a Frame book that contains not only all of the graphics that are
> imported by reference into the various book files, but also, a bunch of
> graphic that I don't need to use anymore, that are outdated and/or
> incorrect graphics and so on. Before I check all of my folders into
> ClearCase, I want to delete these "junk" graphics that are just taking
> up space. How do I go about generating a list of what graphics are
> actually used where in the book.  (I obviously want to compare this list
> to the actual directory contents and nuke those from the directory that
> don't appear on the list.) If I had only a small amount of graphics, I
> could do this manually, but I have over several hundred graphics (it's a
> BIG book), so . . .
> TIA,
> Tammy L. Van Boening
> Senior Technical Writer
> Fiserv Insurance Solutions 
> Property and Casualty Division
> 303-729-7733
> tammy.vanboening at fiserv.com
> ***********************************************************************
> Keep smiling, at least until you get your own way.
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