--- Radha Padmanabhan <radha_padma at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   I wish to know whether we can use CVS for version
> control of FM files/books and how the path
> sensitivity of FM /size of books will effect this.
> Or what is the best way to ensure version control of
> FM docs/books?
It depends, for instance, on what you're trying to do,
and the level of version control you're trying to
achieve. If your documents are structured, you could
use a version attribute to specify the applicable
version(s) at the topic level, where each version of
the topic is stored separately. 

For topics applicable to all versions, the version
attribute would be set to "All". If a topic is
applicable to two or more versions (but not all), each
applicable version number would be listed in the
version attribute. 

This approach would allow you to assemble any instance
of a complete structured document by specifying the
applicable topic version number(s) to be included in
that instance of the document. If none of the versions
of a given topic are applicable to a particular
instance of the entire document, it would be dropped
from that instance. Obviously, this approach would
require one or more additional attributes for each
topic for the purpose of specifying the sequencing of
the topics within an assembled document instance.

The other advantage of this approach is that it would
permit users (as well as authors) to individually
retrieve an applicable version of any topic by simply
specifying the applicable version number of the topic
of interest.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
<danemory7224 at sbcglobal.net>

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