Hi All,

  We've got an odd problem with an FM file (v 7.2b128 Win). When the doc was 
released, the writer used the (timesaving and fabulously thorough) Archive 
plugin to archive the project files and then used WinZip to create a .zip 
archive (unencrypted) of the files. Shortly thereafter, the original files were 
purged and only the .zip of the archived files remains.

  Today, we had to access the FM files from that zipped archive, and everything 
restored in workable fashion, except for one chapter file, which is now opening 
as view only, no matter what we do. We checked attrib and it's not set to 
read-only. It's like it was locked for editing when the archive was created, 
but we don't know for sure; that's just the only explanation I can imagine for 
how we could find ourselves in this spot, based on my experience with having 
opened files while they're locked by another user. The Archive plugin didn't 
give an error or note as much in the log, though, so that may not be the reason 
at all.

  Regardless, we're in the rather untenable position of having to find a way to 
get an editable version of an FM file from the view-only version of it, with no 
record of a .lck file for it and no other version of the FM file available. The 
view-only version has conditional text hidden that we now need to show in the 
new version, so although I have been able to convert the view-only file to TXT, 
all the hidden text was omitted from the TXT version. 

  I did try to dig through the archives, but...I'm coming up empty-handed. Any 
suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

  Rene Stephenson

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