Are you opening the file that the cross-ref point to while you're
generating the PDF? If not, try opening it.


On 10/29/07, Diane Schaefer <dschaefer at sandvine.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have several tables in my document that contain footnotes, and I
> haven't been able to figure out .how to create a space between the table
> and the footnote so that the footnote doesn't touch the table. (I'm
> using FrameMaker 7.2.) Could someone please help me?
> Also, I noticed that one of my table footnotes consistently made my
> document crash when generating a PDF file and wondered whether this is a
> FrameMaker bug. The footnote in question was for a conditional row in
> the table and contained a cross-reference to another file (which isn't
> included in the document in question). I recreated the table, which
> contains several conditional rows, some of which also contain
> conditional text. The PDF generation crashed every time, until I deleted
> the footnote.
> TIA,
> Diane
> Diane Schaefer
> Senior Technical Writer
> Sandvine Technologies Ltd.
> dschaefer at sandvine.com
> tel. 972-2-540-090, ext. 125
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Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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