Chris' plugins are at ..

but TemplateMapper's not there .. I think you have to make a special 
arrangement for that one.


Susan Modlin wrote:
> Hi Rebecca,
> I have Chris' e-mail, but am not sure how he feels about sharing it. I'll 
> contact him and ask him to reply to the list with the contact info he's 
> willing to provide.
> ...Susan
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: rebecca officer <rebecca.officer at>
> To: framers at
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:50:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Mapping of Word styles to Framemaker paragrahps
> Anyone know how to get it? The cudspan website seems to have vanished
> off the face of the web. :-(
> Thanks, Rebecca
>>>> "Yves Barbion" <yves.barbion at> 09/20/07 11:32 PM >>>
> I use Template Mapper for jobs like these.
> Template Mapper was developed by Chris Despopoulos
> It goes like this:
>    1. Open the Word file in FrameMaker (that's right, just open, not
>    import).
>    2. Using Template Mapper, map the Word styles to the FrameMaker
>    Formats of your template. This is really nice because you cannot only
> map
>    Paragraph Formats, but also Character Formats, Table Formats,
>    Cross-reference Formats and Condition Tags. And you have a nice
> mapping
>    table in which you can simply select the FrameMaker Formats to which
> the
>    Word styles should be mapped, so you can't make mistakes here.
>    3. Use these "mapping tables" in a "Job Control Panel" to apply this
>    mapping to complete FrameMaker books.
> What's also nice thing about this, is that you get "clean" FrameMaker
> files:
> the list of Paragraph Formats will only contain the paratags of your
> FrameMaker template, not the Word styles (Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2,
> ...).
> Kind regards

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