Mollye Barrett wrote:

>    I'm working on a template?and the user wants the option of NOT
> using section numbers on some chapters and in the TOC. I've created
> master pages to accomodate the section/no section requirements.
> Currently, the TOC styles are tied to paragraph tags (H-1, H-2, H-3)
> and those paragraph tags are formatted on the reference page with
> chapnums-pagenum. How can I get the same heading style (H-1, H-2, H-3)
> to generate without a section number?

TOC entries are always generated from specific pgf tags, and all the TOC 
entries from a given pgf tag (like H-1) will look the same, as defined in the 
reference page TOC specification. 

So you need new heading pgf tags (e.g., H-1A, H-2A) -- not necessarily defined 
to look different or not have numbers (although I can't imagine why your user 
would want all headings numbered, but only some of the numbers to appear in the 
TOC), but just so you can define a different TOC spec for each of those pgfs. 

So on the TOC ref page, H-1TOC might look like this ("\t" is a tab):

<$paranum> \t<$paratext> \t<$pagenum>

But H-1ATOC might look like this: 

\t<$paratext> \t<$pagenum>

Note that it doesn't matter whether H-1A has an autonumber or not -- in the TOC 
spec, you're telling FM not to display it even if it exists. 

All that said, I have to wonder about the wisdom of the whole idea... :-} 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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