Thanks for the kind words and reminder, Jeremy.



On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at> wrote:
-- snipped --
> Yes, the tech sector here has been hard hit too, with major layoffs
> at Sun and at numerous other tech companies.  It doesn't look as bad
> as the "dot-bomb" of 2000 yet, but we're nowhere near the bottom...
-- snipped --

> OTOH, you have something to offer the poor folks who don't use Frame
> that they don't even know they need.  ;-)  It's a chance to show them
> The Way.  <bg>
> We'd like to remind you, and anyone else here in a similar position,
> that Mif2Go is free for life to unemployed tech writers and underemployed
> consultants (you know who you are), as well as all academics (students,
> faculty, and staff).  We've had this policy for many years, and a few
> thousand people have taken us up on it.  We do not ask for any proof
> of status; we trust our customers, whether free or paid.  Just send
> an email to offer at, with subject "Mif2Go" (no quotes), with
> your name and email address, and we'll send you a password.  The only
> email you'll ever get from us as a result is announcements of upgrades,
> all of which are free to you.  And we'd like to thank our many paying
> customers, both individual and corporate, for making this possible!

-- snipped --
> I think it's entirely appropriate, considering the current world
> economic situation.
-- snipped --
> The end of one world may be the beginning of a better one.  The
> caterpillar passes on, to become a butterfly.  We shall see...  ;-)
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jeremy at>

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