Leah Smaller wrote:

> I have 2 books where book 1 uses files 1 - 10 and book 2 uses 
> some of the same files (let's say files 5 - 7). 
> I want to set up the books (files) so that in book 1 all the 
> pages are numbered consecutively, starting from page 1 in 
> file 1.  Thus the first page in file 5 will be, for instance, 
> page 35. 
> I also want the pages in book 2 to start from 1; here file 5 
> needs to start at page 1. 
> How can I set up the numbering so this happens automatically 
> and the page number in files 5 - 7 are appropriate in each 
> book without requiring human intervention.

File 5 doesn't "know" its starting page number in book 1 until you
update book 1. After all, you could have added/removed pages or whole
chapters before it since the last time the book was updated. When you
update book 1, of course, then file 5 "knows" the correct starting
number for _that_ book. 

But FM files don't contain a record of what books they're part of and
where they belong in the book (understandably, IMHO). So file 5
"remembers" its book 1 starting number until you open book 2 and update
that. Then, file 5 is handed a new starting page number, and it
"forgets" the one it had before. 

So, getting a book's pagination correct (not to mention its generated
lists) if it shares files with another book _requires_ that you update
the book. To do that without human intervention, I'd suggest scripting
it with FrameScript. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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