Pete Rourke wrote:
> I have created an index marker for a primary: secondary, and the marker
> appears on the page, and shows correctly in the marker box, but when update
> and generate indexes is run the secondary does not show. There are lots of
> secondary items in the primary. 
> I'm a FM newbie FM8.0p266, and may have missed a fundamental principle for
> indexing.
> Suggestions?

A couple of things to check:

--remove the space between primary:secondary

--make sure that the marker type is Index (sometimes that can get 
accidentally changed to another type, and you end up inserting a whole 
bunch of Subject markers that you thought were Index markers)

--make sure there are no carriage returns in your marker text


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

If it makes things work more easily, why isn't it called lubrican?

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