Dear Framers:
thanks for the direct replies about my crashlogs: very helpful.

First, my platform: I am using Framemaker 7.2p158 on Windows XP Second 
edition with all its updates.

I have a virtually clean machine with A to O drives. I mention this as I 
print export to different drives for space reasons.

I am printing .ps files to another, spacious drive. The current book file 
has 77 heavily indexed, heavily illustrated document files.

Many of my crashlogs provide the page number where it stopped distilling. 
Turns out this was the last page of the document file. When I inspected the 
last page it looked good, until I noticed that after the last word there was 
that symbol which looked like an 8, but aint.

That symbol was on its own line and when I pulled up paragraph designer, the 
paragraph label was "body" and the font was Script24 ( I forget the exact 

I am unable to change that font using the default font in character 
designer. In some other files the same character at the same point in the 
file was Times Roman. Also quite unable to change the font. What is this 
character and why is it visiting my files?

I have tried successfully (I thought) to change the system font to one of 
the two fonts I use (Adobe Garamond and Myriad Roman) using the maker.ini 
file. Not respected.

Thus I at least have identified the fault area (last page of the file), but 
now am stuck for a solution. I read somewhere that the last page is the page 
where all the numbering information is. I can report no page numbering 
problems, but I digress...

I confess--miserably--that I have spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME trying to figure 
out where I am going awry.

Yes I love FrameMaker, but I sure appreciate comments from the outside 

yours gratefully,
Major Lurker

Prof. Robert C.-H. Shell
Commissioner of Truth and Justice for Mauritius
Extraordinary Professor of Historical Demography
University of the Western Cape
Courier address:
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
University of Western Cape
Modderdam Road
Western Cape
Republic of South Africa

Airmail address:
Prof. Robert C.-H. Shell
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
Private Bag X17
Western Cape 7535
Republic of South Africa
E-mail addresses:
rshell at
rshell at
Fax: 021-959-2909 

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