Hi Deirdre

Welcome back from class! I don't know the why (other than anchored Frames
don't have that function). And the only way a table automatically creates a
caption is if the "Add Title" option is turned on for a table.

So, my workaround?

I create a table format specifically to hold graphics. I know, kinda sounds
like taking a shower with your shoes on. However, since I've used FrameMaker
since 1992, this seems to be the best solution I've found. I use it whether
the format calls for captions or not.

There is a bit of set up to get it working correctly and, once set up, it
isn't too hard to maintain. Others may have a different approach and this
one was a great tool when I was converting 6500 pages of text from
WordPerfect to Frame AND the client decided midstream to change the
alignment of their graphics from left aligned to centered. I was able to
change the table format and everything was good...in just a few minutes.

Here is what I do:

Set up part 1: Create a paragraph tag to hold the anchored graphic
I use separate tags for many things, including anchored tables and anchored
graphics because it provides more control when converting to other formats,
such as help. In Frame 7.x, the smallest font size is 2 points, so I use
that to take up as little extra space as possible. Turning off the Fixed
option means the row height will expand and shrink as needed to fit the
graphic you insert. The reason for the "in column" in the tag name is
because some graphics span the width of the sidehead area and some don't. I
actually have another paragraph tag for those that span both areas.

   1. Create a specific paragraph tag to hold the anchored graphics (mine is
   called "AIC Anchored Images In Column")
   2. Set the font size to 2 points
   3. Set the line spacing to 2 points
   4. Turn off the Fixed option
   5. Save the tag with all the changes

Set up part 2: Create a paragraph tag to hold the anchored table

   1. Create a specific paragraph tag to hold the anchored tables (mine is
   called "ATC Anchored Tables In Column")
   2. Set the font size to 2 points
   3. Set the line spacing to 2 points
   4. Turn off the Fixed option
   5. Save the tag with all the changes

Set up part 3: Create a paragraph tag for your Table Caption

   1. Create a paragraph tag to format your Table Caption (mine is called FC
   Figure Caption)
   2. Save all changes

Set up part 4: Create a table format to hold your graphics
Officially, Frame 7 (I don't know about 8), doesn't store the column widths
or paragraph tags in the Table Designer. However, it does remember

   1. Insert a blank table with 1 row and 1 column
   2. Apply the anchored graphics tag to the row (note: it will become
   darned near unreadable since it is a 2 point font...if you have problems
   seeing it, you can temporarily change the font size, then change it back)
   3. Set the Title Position for your caption
   4. Apply the figure caption tag for your figure caption
   5. Highlight the entire table
   6. Open the Table Designer
   7. Name the table format (mine is either Images In Column or Images Full
   Width, depending on what I'm using it for)
   8. Save the table format

Use what you created
Now that the component formats are created, here is what you do when you're
ready to insert a figure/graphic. I always use a blank paragraph tag to
anchor tables and graphics, so that is how these instructions are written.
Tip; If you immediately import the file, you won't have to try to position
your cursor in that tiny little space left by the 2 point paragraph tag.

   1. Position your cursor where the figure is to be inserted
   2. Add a blank paragraph
   3. Apply the anchored table tag (ATC Anchored Tables In Column in my
   4. Select Table > Insert table
   5. Select the table format you created to hold figures (Column or Images
   Full Width in my example)
   6. Click Insert
   7. Select File > Import > File
   8. Import your graphic
   9. Adjust dpi and other settings, if appropriate
   10. Resize the graphic, if needed
   11. Press esc m P to shrinkwrap the anchored frame around the graphic
   12. Add the figure title to the title row

This is my processs...and hopefully it will help you a bit...


On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Deirdre Reagan <deirdre.reagan at gmail.com>

> Hi all!

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