First, when in the book to generate the TOC, Index, and whatever other
files you have...
Each one's setup dialog box has a "Create Hyperlinks" checkbox. Make
sure that's activated. Save and update the book file.
Confirm that the links were generated -- in the TOC or list, you
should be able to Ctrl+Alt click (and see a hand icon as you mouse
over) on an entry and it should jump to the location.

When you Print to PDF the file, make sure the Generate Acrobat Data
checkbox is activated.

If the links are in place, they are automatically generated in the PDF.


On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 4:44 AM, Austin Meredith
<Ashley_Meredith at> wrote:
> This is probably stupid but, so far, we haven't been able to figure
> out how to mark up our FM8 files so that they will distill into
> AcrobatPro8 documents that contain *automatically generated
> bookmarks*. The Help pages don't seem to contain such instructions.
> It would be so nice if someone with more experience would instruct
> us, how to accomplish this!

Art Campbell art.campbell at
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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