Hi all,

Let me apologize for asking another font question. I have been looking
at previous posts and articles on the web, but am still not sure I
understand the issues and consequences.

Basically, our frame templates use a font called Times for our regular
Body paragraph tag.

On our Xerox network printers, everything seems to be fine. However,
they are going to be taken offline in a few weeks. 

Recently, a new HP network printer was installed. When I made the HP
printer the default printer and opened up one of our documents, I got
the "Document named aaa.fm uses unavailable fonts. To reformat using
available fonts, click OK" message. I opened the doc. Times appeared
checked but greyed out in the right-click context menu. I printed on the
HP. The printout looks identical, as far as I can tell, to the same doc
printed on the xerox. I saved and closed, when I opened again, I got the
same unavailable fonts message. When I make the Xerox printer the
default once again, and open the document, I don't get the unavailable
fonts message, and Times is once again black in the right-click font
context menu.

I looked around my system, in all the folders I saw mentioned in various
sites, but didn't find Times anywhere. In the PDD file for the Xerox
printer there is a line that has Times on it. The printer support people
printed out the list of fonts on the HP. It doesn't appear to have

Now, I have several questions. I realize that it may not be possible to
know exactly from this description what is going on, but I welcome

Does it sound like I don't really have Times on my system, but
Framemaker acts like Times is there when the Xerox is the selected
printer because the Xerox has it?

If the HP doesn't have it, what are the consequences of that? Which font
did it use? Does it decide itself what is most compatible? It doesn't
seem to have changed anything in my document. When I go back to the
Xerox, Times seems ok again. Will the unavailable fonts message
interfere with smooth updating of the book?

What is the best course of action to take: 

Try to buy Times somewhere? (Or rather, try to convince my organization
to buy Times somewhere)
Change my templates to use Times New Roman?
Just live with the unavailable fonts message?

It once seemed to me that Times New Roman was a bit more crowded than
Times. That's why I always resisted Times New Roman. Is the difference
just a figment of my imagination? Also, is there a difference in
appearance between Times Roman and Times New Roman?

In short, any information would be appreciated, and will help me to
communicate to the printer support people in my organization what the
issues are. Right now they just regard me as the troublemaker who uses


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