***Vendor post!***

MadCap Software is offering several free webinars in the month of  
October. These sales pitch-free webinars are filling up fast. If you  
want to learn more about any of these topics, click the links below to  
sign up.

Importing FrameMaker files to Flare or Blaze
October 3 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/667817804

What?s new in Flare 4?
October 9 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/562186940

Planning the move to Flare or Blaze
October 15 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/385144397

Doing more with less (Tools independant: this is the crazy sold out  
STC webinar we did in late spring)
October 21 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/865719205


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at madcapsoftware.com
IM: sharonvburton at yahoo.com
Blog: http://madcapsoftware.wordpress.com

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