Stephen O'Brien wrote: 

> I have 2 variables in FM 8 that I want to assign values to:
> (1) Product: assign CAR in default font
> (2) ProductBold: assign DOLL with char format BoldOnly
> I use the Get command to get the varfmt I want and give the Set
> Set vMyVariable1.fmt = '<BoldOnly>DOLL';
> Set vMyVariable2.fmt = '<Default Font>CAR';
> The first command works, the second does
> not...there is a weird character between the
> words Default and Font and I do not kow how to get that in the

You don't need to. Unless you specify a char format, the variable
automatically assumes the default pgf font. The only time you need to
explicitly assign <Default P Font> is to turn off a previously invoked
char format, as in a variable definition like this: 

<BoldOnly>DOLL<Default P Font>CAR 

And in that case, I'd try the <Default P Font> alias that works in
dialog boxes: <\> 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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