Chomp2: a tool for chunking XML files
Several years ago (at the STC 50th conference) I demonstrated a round-trip
XML project, with topic-level XML files inserted in a FrameMaker document
using insets.

In the demo I used Chomp, an xml chunking tool my husband created for me.
Since then, he's added a few features so I can use it for my DITA projects.

It's handy if you are using the FrameMaker DITA EDD for structured writing,
say, at the chapter level, and later you want to convert to XML and break up
your chapter into topic level files for mapping.

Also handy if you're converting a chapter-length unstructured document to
structured, then want to chunk down to topic-level files.

You can use Chomp2 for free for two weeks, if you find it useful, it's yours
for ten bucks.
For more info, check my website:

Mary Ann Howell
Hikari Publishing

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