On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 08:35:02 +0200, Yves Barbion <yves.barbion at gmail.com> 

>Thank you for your help, but I'm afraid I cannot use MIF2Go for this job.
>This is what I read in the MIF2Go Help:
>"If your document contains many images that were imported into FrameMaker by
>copying instead of by reference, and these embedded images have not been
>embellished in FrameMaker with callouts or other added features, you might
>want to consider replacing them with referenced graphics."

Actually, that "embellished" part is not a reason to keep the
graphics embedded; you can use callouts with referenced graphics
exactly the same as with embedded, and the process I suggested 
will work fine with them.  The comment in the User's Guide is
related to a different issue, one that's not relevant here.

>Well, the images have been "embellished" (I like the word) with callouts...
>in Word ;-( And it's even worse, because the images have also been cropped
>in Word and the pictures have been taken at a ridiculously high resolution
>for their purpose: 10 x 15 inches @ 300 dpi, where their actual size in the
>FM document should be 2.5 x 1.5 inches and 150 dpi should be more than
>enough for PDF and laser print output.

None of that matters at all.  Have you actually *tried* the
process I suggested?  If you leave the embedded images in
place until you select and replace them with the referenced
copies Mif2Go makes for you, the referenced graphics will
have *exactly* the same settings as the embedded ones do.
You will not see any visible difference at all.  But your
Frame file will be a lot smaller, and more stable.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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