At 01:12 -0800 7/12/09, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

> >I cannot do that at this stage from the Word sources, as
>>the book has been heavily edited (and typeset). Would
>>cutting and pasting from the FrameMaker document into a
>>clean new FrameMaker document and reformatting work?
>Yes.  It doesn't matter where you get the plain text from. I'd suggest if you 
>go that way, use Frame to convert all your tables to text first; then on the 
>other end, convert back to tables.  That should minimize the pain for them.

I'll give it a try, certainly. Pasting as plain text would lose index markers, 

>You might want to try it on a page or two first, to get a feel for how much 
>work is involved.  If it's a lot, well, Rick Quattro develops plugins for such 
>tasks at reasonable cost...  but it may be less trouble than it sounds like. 
>Worst case, if it doesn't help, you'll know for sure that it's a Frame bug.

Thanks. FrameScript is something I've not tried, and as I'm currently (although 
at this rate, not for long) on Macintosh, it's not a route that is open to me.


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