At 10:23 -0500 22/12/09, Stuart Rogers wrote:

>Have you tried saving as MIF and then examining the MIF file in a plain text 
>editor?  Search for the text surrounding the problem area and see if there's 
>anything unusual.  You might be able to do a find/replace operation within the 
>text editor if you uncover some weird characters.

No: great idea. [Does that...] Here is the relevant bit of text, complete with 
the cross-reference and the table anchor that follows it. The spell checker 
stops between the words 'shown in' and the figure reference.

There is nothing odd that I can see here, but I'm not an expert at reading MIF. 
Turning on display of non-printing characters shows nothing odd either.

Which is odd...

   <String `channels shared by client and server. The remote procedure call can 
therefore implement '>
  > # end of ParaLine
   <String `the interface shown in '>
    <XRefName `Figure'>
    <XRefSrcText `51945: FigureTitle: Figure 5.26:'>
    <XRefSrcIsElem No>
    <XRefSrcFile `'>
    <XRefLastUpdate  1261493773 0>
    <Unique 1042923>
   > # end of XRef
   <String `Figure 5.26'>
   <XRefEnd >
   <String `.  '>
    <FTag `'>
    <FLanguage UKEnglish>
    <FLocked No>
   > # end of Font
   <ATbl 45>
  > # end of ParaLine


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