Am 23.01.2009 um 12:20 schrieb Klaus Daube:

> The second one is a tough experience:
> Backspace has become a nightmare on my 3MHz machine with 4GB of RAM. I
> can not correct input in the usual manner, because i have typed to  
> many
> times until the program reacts! Do I need to switch off UNDO (which is
> not possible)? I have already switched off "show warnings while
> cleaning history", "Checkout HTTP...", "Upload HTTP..." in  
> preferences.
> Also the arrow keys - used for example, to extend a selection - a-r- 
> e-v-
> e-r-y-s-l-o-w! This is NOT an issue of my machine - no other program
> has this behaviour.


Can you create a test scenario? What pods are open? Maybe with one of  
the template documents that ship with the product?

When using the default "Authoring" workspace setup I cannot see the  
typing and selection slowdowns you experience. And I run WinXP in a  
virtual machine...

- Michael

Michael M?ller-Hillebrand: Dokumentations-Technologie
Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker
L?sungen und Training, FrameScript, XML/XSL, Unicode
Blog: - Tel. +49 (9131) 28747

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