> I am numbering graphics and tables in a multi-chapter book. The project
> manager would like to generate one List of Figures and one List of
> Tables (sequential numbers for each list).
> How do I do that? Each chapter begins the numbering anew and the only
> thing I can think of is to add a chapter prefix to the autonumbering in
> the paragraph tag, but I'd rather have a much simpler list.

Create separate paragraph tags for tables and figures. In the autonumbering 
properties of each assign a series label (any single printable character 
followed by a colon). For example, place F: before the numbering properties 
for the figure-holding paragraph format and  T: before the numbering 
properties of the table-holding paragraph. Then you can generate your List 
of Tables or List of Figures by choosing the correct paragraph style in the 

You also may want to have your project manager check out the document, "The 
Case for Simple Numbering, found here:

Mike Wickham

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