I agree with Richard's assessment, but this can be caused by one
common override -- manually added pages that break the A flow, but are
themselves using the A flow. Which translates into different flows
with the same (non-unique) name.

If you can identify the breaks in the flow and fix them, you should be
in good shape. (Try using Ctrl-A to select all in the flow. If
something isn't selected, that identifies the break point.)

Art Campbell
               art.campbell at gmail.com
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Combs, Richard
<richard.combs at polycom.com> wrote:
> Joseph wrote:
>> I am trying to compare two books using the compare utility. When I
> attempt
>> to execute the utilty on the book level, I receive the following
> error.
>> "No flow in the document named [document name.fm] has unique names. To
> be
>> compared, documents must contain uniquely named flows with matching
> names.
>> Flow names: A."
>> I assume this has to do do with the flow in the text frame of the
> named
>> document. In the document that had the problem, I tried changing the
> Text
>> Frame's flow tag to B, but it didn't help. Any suggestions?
> Ugh, what a terribly worded error message. It sounds like [document
> name.fm] contains multiple flows with the same flow tag, A. FM doesn't
> know which one to compare to the (hopefully) single flow A in the other
> doc.
> If changing the name of a flow to B didn't help, it means one of two
> things (depending on what "didn't help" means, exactly): either there
> are still multiple flows named A or you changed the name of the flow you
> wanted to compare. Or both.
> In general, unless you're doing a newsletter or something like that, you
> should only have one flow in the body pages of your document. The fact
> that you have multiple flows without being aware of it suggests there
> may be something wrong, like disconnected pages. You may need to do some
> detective work on your doc. See the Page Layout chapter/topic in the
> manual/help and/or look up text flows, text frames, and autoconnect.
> Richard
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------
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