****Sort of a vendor post****

As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of free tool-neutral webinars. 
The next one is April 9th at 9am Pacific. 

Planning Topic-based Authoring: Working in a Use Case or Scenario-based 
Presenter: John Hedtke
Time and data: April 9 2009 9am Pacific
Sign up: http://www.madcapsoftware.com/demos/webinars.aspx  
You know topic-based authoring will save you time and effort in your authoring 
and publishing projects. If you?re working in a use case or scenario 
development environment, you also know topic-based authoring will make your 
life easier. 

This free webinar will walk you thru planning your projects. When we?re done, 
you?ll have a firm idea of what you need to do with your projects to make sure 
you deliver on time and in budget. 

This free webinar is being recorded, so even if the date and time don?t work 
for you, sign up and you?ll automatically get a link to the recording the next 


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at madcapsoftware.com
IM: sharonvburton at yahoo.com
Blog: http://madcapsoftware.wordpress.com
Free tools-neutral webinars: http://www.madcapsoftware.com/demos/webinars.aspx

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