While this presentation is not specific to FrameMaker, PDF producers will 
find it of interest.

>Tuesday, November 24, 2009
>Starting 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC | 8pm Israel
>Brief demonstration and discussion of graphics & video in PDFs and related 
>aspects: livening up static documentation (software/hardware) and engaging 
>readers through interactive graphics, displaying information on demand 
>(popups/rollovers/layers), integrating multimedia (such as video 
>simulations and demonstrations of software processes and functions) & 
>interactive 3D
>Note: this presentation focuses on PDFs and Acrobat, and is not specific 
>to any authoring tool
>Register at 
>Shlomo Perets, www.microtype.com
>FrameMaker / Acrobat / TCS training & consulting

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