Sorry,  resending this so it is not attached to the previous email.

Hi Art, 
  I am sending this to you because I have not seen anything from the Users 
Group for over a week now. I tried sending this request out the general user 
group email list and it bounced back as non-deliverable. 
  -- Thanks,, Sue 


 I am using Frame 7.0 with Vista Enterprise
Adobe Reader 9.0
Adobe Distiller 5.0

I have been reading and following the help files and the User Guide for days 
now.  I cannot successfully and consistently make a simple link within the same 

It looks like you need to save as "View Only" in order to activate the link.  I 
have done that and also saved regular and I cannot get the link to jump from 
point A to point B 
or in other words to go from the "new link" to the "specified destination".

Here is what I am doing.

1.      Select the word or phrase that is the destination 
2.      Go to Special>Hypertext 
3.      In the Command box, select "Specify Named Destination" 
4.      In the Syntax box it says "newlink"   and then next to that I type in 
the word to be found  "checklist"  all lower case 
5.      The checkbox for "Validate Command upon Insertion is checked 
6.      Click on "New Hypertext Marker"

then I go to the starting point 

1.      Select the word or phrase that will be marked as the starting point 
2.      Go to Special>Hypertext 
3.      In the Command box, select "Jump to Named Destination" 
4.      In the Syntax box it says "gotolink" and then next to that I type in 
the word that was used at the destination point "server"  all lower case 
5.      The checkbox for "Validate Command upon Insertion is checked 
6.      Click on "New Hypertext Marker"

So, now from here is apparently where I get lost. 

If I save as "view only", I will get the hand pointer and it looks like it will 

However, if I click on it, nothing happens. 

If I make a PDF, nothing happens. 

Please, what am I missing?  


Sue Curtzwiler   susancu at

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