FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7, 64 bit (brand new PITA machine)

When I received my translated book back from a new LSP (Simplified Chinese if 
the language matters) all of the inter-file XREFs were broken.

I've never had this happen before with an LSP - although the occasional XREF 
will be broken.

For whatever reason, the LSP had my FM9 files open in FM8. I know this is why 
all my relative path image links were broken, but could this also account for 
broken inter-file XREFs?

Additionally, is there something I can do to fix this without re-linking every 
XREF - which is very tedious? After posting on the list yesterday, I used the 
"save-as-MIF, search and replace, save back to FM" to fix 99% of the broken 
relative path image links without affecting the Chinese. So I'm kind of hoping 
someone has a similar suggestion for XREFs.


PS: I know the LSP should fix this - and we'll be talking about it - but I'm on 
a massive deadline so the logical answer isn't necessarily the fastest.

Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
E-mail: alison.craig at<mailto:alison.craig at>

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