Thanks to everyone who replied.

I did the "save as MIF", "find and replace", then saved back to FM and the 
problems have cleared up.

I was going to wait for a "fresh morning brain" but after I did a test (on a 
copy of the file) and everything went well, I just went ahead and got it over 


From: Alison Craig
Sent: March 31, 2011 2:15 PM
To: 'framers at'
Subject: Relative Path for Images Changed to Absolute

FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7, 64 bit (brand new machine)

After several problems, I've finally received a set of newly translated 
Simplified Chinese files back from the (new to me) LSP. Due to budgetary 
consideration, I always perform final DTP on the book before I publish to PDF.

My problem is that every single image (all imported by reference) has had the 
relative path changed to an absolute path and I have to re-link every one of 
them when I open each file (some files have hundreds of images as I use icons 
in instructions to match the proprietary console on our ultrasound machines).

In a perfect world I would return this to the LSP and have them fix it, but 
these manuals are already behind schedule. I have searched the last 2 years of 
list posting and cannot find the specific answer I am looking for.

Is there someplace I can change the absolute path back to the relative path? 
Even if I have to make the change once for every file in the book that would 
still only be 5 minutes work instead of hours and hours of work.

FYI: I will be working with the LSP to ensure this problem doesn't happen again.


Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
E-mail: alison.craig at<mailto:alison.craig at>

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