On 21/07/2011 7:36 PM, Matt Sullivan wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> As John mentioned, your problem is that you have no frame named
> TableFootnote on the Reference Pages
> You?ll need to add a frame to the reference page to control that
> space? it doesn?t need to have content but I believe it?ll require a
> name of TableFootnote, as John mentioned. That should be the end of
> it, and you can resize that empty frame to space out your text.
> I believe John?s solution is 1 step farther than you need to go...in
> my experience, you?ll not need to apply a Frame Above to the Table
> Footnote paragraph tag. To do so would add the frame again in between
>  multiparagraph footnotes.
> It sounds like one of 2 things happened:
> 1.Your template file began its life with FM 6 or so, before there was
> a TableFootnote frame on the Ref Pages
> 2.You accidentally deleted the TableFootnote frame on the Reference
> Pages

Matt, John, thanks to you both.

I am in the process of creating a new template, and in so doing am 
sticking to a particular naming convention.  One way or another I ended 
up with a new or newly named tag for the table footnotes, and it did not 
have the Frame Above set to anything.  Once you and the other listers 
pointed out the use of Frame Above, I was able to verify its presence in 
FM's default tag, and its absence in my new tag.  Adding it to the 
definition and playing with the height of the frame on the ref. page has 
done the trick.

Thanks again to all who replied,

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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