Steve Rickaby wrote:

> At 16:09 +0100 13/12/12, Yves Barbion wrote:
> >Try the following:
> >
> >1.   Hold down CTRL+ALT and click a cross-reference to jump to the
> target, which is in a different file in the book.
> >2.   Hold down CTRL and press the TAB key to jump back to the source
> of the cross-reference.
> >
> >Does this work?
> On my ancient (v 7) version, sadly, no. I maybe should have mentioned,
> the link destinations are in a table. The CNTRL+TAB does do something -
> it advances to the cell below. In open text, it does nothing.

In v7.2 on Windows, Ctrl+Tab cycles through the open documents in the order 
last visited (the functional equivalent within FM of using Alt+Tab to cycle 
through the open applications). Thus after you use a hyperlink to jump from one 
open doc to another, Ctrl+Tab takes you back to the doc you came from (and of 
course, you're still at the same insertion point location). 

Of course, if only one document is open it does nothing. 

> (I'm on Mac).

That may make a difference -- I don't know. I haven't used a Mac since the old 
one-piece versions. :-}

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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