
We are several tech writers using books/documents on a server, containing 
images imported by reference (also on the server). Network file locking is 
activated. The network is relatively fast.

Every day on the same workstation (FM9.0p.255, Windows 7 SP1), even in small 
documents (2 pages, 1 image), the image starts to blink. FM seems to freeze at 
this point (cannot scroll in the document or access menus). Must wait. Can last 
for minutes. A reboot re-establishes some order for a while (hours).

The writer often has used Snag-It to get a screen shot just previous to this 
behavior. We all use Snag-It for screen captures.

Any ideas? Our IT people are not familiar with FM and have not seen this 
problem before. I have searched the knowledge base without success.

Thx for any suggestions.

Stephen O'BRIEN
Coordonnateur ? la documentation et r?dacteur technique senior | Documentation 
Coordinator and Senior Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels | Software
sobrien at<mailto:sobrien at>
T (1) 418.688.2061
F (1) 418.688.3001
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