I'd second Jeff's recommendations, but IMHO, most of the problems
you're seeing could be the result of network permissions differences
between the server and the workstations. Are all the owners in the
same group, does that group exist on the server AND the workstations,
and do all members of the group have local (workstation) admin

Also, if the workstations are connecting via wireless or VPN, that
adds another layer of potential hiccups.

And finally, if your network is, perhaps, not a fairly modern setup
with good throughput, it may be slowing things down.

Art Campbell
               art.campbell at gmail.com
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

I support www.TheGrotonLine.com, hyperlocal news for Groton MA.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Jeff Coatsworth
<jeff.coatsworth at jonassoftware.com> wrote:
> I?ve been running Win7 64bit with FM11 for some time now with my FM files on
> our network drive with no problems or crashes at all. I think the trick is
> to have a large amount of RAM installed (at least 8 GB) and lots of spare
> space on your hard drive for temp files. You may find that you need to
> implement some sort of source control to check out/in files from your server
> to your local drive.
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Ken Poshedly
> Sent: August-08-13 11:54 AM
> To: FrameMaker Users List
> Subject: Windows 7 + FrameMaker 11 = BOOM!
> Due to the addition of 2 new contract writers and the replacement of the
> hard drive in an existing terminal in my department, we're now stuck with
> Windows 7 and FrameMaker 11 on those three platforms for the past month or
> so.
> And it's been nothing but problems ever since, with unpredictable crashes on
> the desktop computers used by the two contract writers, even though all
> three FM 11 platforms have all the Adobe patches.
> One thing which does seem consistent is that FM11 does not seem to work well
> with files located on our network server, yet that is really the method
> here. Symptoms may include _extremely_ long times to open, save and close
> files and MAY include the abovementioned FrameMaker crashes, though we have
> not yet confirmed that.
> The "fix" is for the contract writers to copy files from our 4-terrabyte
> network drive onto external hard drives cabled to their terminals and for my
> coworker to copy files directly onto his computer's internal hard drive;
> then copy the revised file back into place in its location on the network
> drive.
> The two contract writer desktop computers have ridiculously internal small
> hard drives. (One is 29 megabytes and the other is 185 megabytes I've been
> told.)
> Me? I'm happy as a clam with Windows XP and FrameMaker 8 working across the
> network with no FM crashes or other problems -- though I do have to suffer
> through the long times to open, save and close files because we now must
> embed all our graphics instead of referencing them. (I've boohoo'd about
> that here in the past, so I'll not repeat the faulty reasoning for it once
> again.)
> But doom is in my future, as all four of us are soon to get new platforms
> with Windows 7 and FM 11.
> This I really dread.
> Who else out there is having what seems to be incompatibility problems with
> platforms equipped with FM 11 and Windows 7 and how have you gotten around
> those problems?
> Off-list accounts, etc, are fine.
> -- Ken in Atlanta
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